Konings Olie | Muscle Spasm

The Muscle Spasm blend may help to relief Muscle Spasm in body and may help with pain relief.

Here is the ingredients and Health benefits of the oils in the Muscle Spasm  blend:


SANDALWOOD: Native to Southern India and Southeast Asia

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • For common cold
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Liver and gallbladder problems
  • Digestive problems
  • Muscle problems
  • For mental disorders
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Scabies
  • Alertness
  • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria
  • Manage anxiety
  • Support wound healing
  • Guard against skin cancer
  • Promotes healthy looking, smooth skin by reducing the appearance of skin imperfections
  • It’s useful for enhancing your mood by balancing emotions and lessening tension
  • Benefits for hair
  • Best for relaxation and meditation, due to its grounding and mood-enhancing properties
  • Contributes to a smooth, comfortable shave
  • Promotes a relaxing environment for a restful night’s sleep


  • Approve blood flow in joints
  • Gout
  • Muscle spasm sports injury. Relax muscles
  • Inflammations
  • Arthritis
  • Acne 
  • Digestion problems.
  • Intestinal gas (flatulence).
  • Spasms.
  • Bronchitis – inhaling it open lungs from mucus
  • Treats Coughs.
  • Fights infections keep body clean from viruses and bacteria
  • Heal open Wounds, when applied to the skin. Remove bacteria
  • Give skin glow and toned look
  • Galbanum might help fight certain types of bacteria
  • Ulcers internal soars
  • Scars, help new tissue to grow quickly
  • Frequent urination
  • Soothes nerves
  • Stop premature axing
  • Cure for insects bites even snakes
  • Abscesses
  • Rheumatism – inflammation in joints, muscles and surrounding soft tissue
  • Nervous tension
  • Stress
  • Wounds Wrinkles
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antiseptic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Anti-toxic
  • Anti-tumour
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Balsamic
  • Diuretic

Cypress Essential Oil Benefits : Native to the eastern Mediterranean region, in northeast Libya, southern Albania

  • May Heals Wounds and Infections
  • May Treat Spasms, Cramps and Muscle Pulls
  • May aids Toxin Removal
  • May Promotes Blood Clotting and May Prevent Excess Bleeding
  • May Eliminates Respiratory Conditions
  • Cypress is a Natural Deodorant and May Eliminate Odor
  • May Relieves Stress and Anxiety
  • May Treats Varicose Veins and Cellulite
  • May Increase Urination
  • May Regulate Blood Flow
  • May Promote Sweating
  • May Maintain Liver Health

CEDARWOOD: Native to North America

  • Antiseptic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmodic
  • Diuretic
  • Insecticidal
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anxiety
  • Reduces stress
  • Anti-microbial properties
  • May improve hair growth, by preventing hair loss
  • For scalp conditions by reducing and soothing itchy, flaking scalp
  • For acne treatment and stubborn breakouts
  • Soothes symptoms of eczema
  • Alleviates arthritis pain
  • Treats minor wounds
  • Alleviating occasional insomnia
  • High blood pressure Cedarwood essential oil can promote relaxation and temporarily decrease heart rate.

PEPPERMINT: Native to the Mediterranean

  • Treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, nausea and other digestive issues
  • Kills germs
  • Relieves arthritis pain
  • Stops itching
  • Relieves pain
  • Prevents or reduces nausea and vomiting
  • Relieves motion sickness
  • Helps the body eliminate mucus
  • Treats coughs and colds
  • Improves mental functions
  • Reduces stress
  • Reduces muscle spasms
  • Reduces flatulence
  • Promotes sweating
  • Treatment for headaches, muscle aches and joint pain
  • Promotes a feeling of energy
  • Stimulates hair growth and your scalp
  • Fights bacteria
  • Treats allergy symptoms
  • Boosts productivity
  • Relieves a toothache
  • Ease constipation
  • Cools a fever

EUCALYPTUS: Originally native to Australia

  • Relieves a cough, cold and sinus problems
  • Clears your chest
  • Keeps mosquitoes and other biting insects away
  • Disinfects wounds
  • Treatment for asthma and sinusitis
  • Clears a stuffy nose
  • Controls blood sugar
  • Soothes cold sores
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Fights germs that causes unfortunate mouth odour
  • Eases sore muscles and joint pain
  • Eases arthritis pain
  • Post-surgery painkiller
  • Calms pre-surgery nerves
  • Helps kill head lice and dandruff
  • Stimulates the scalp
  • Relieves symptoms of flu and fever
  • Cleans scrapes and cuts
  • Disinfects your home
  • Connotes allergies
  • Boosts immune health
  • Alleviates headaches
  • Promotes mental clarity and clears brain fog
  • Soothes insect bites and burns
  • Relieves sunburn
  • Helps get rid of acne
  • Fights fungal infections


Rosehip het goeie Gesondheids Voordele en is ‘n goeie draer olie vir essentiële olies, Rosehip is ryk aan Vit C en absorbeer diep in die vel. Daarom het ons dit goed gedink om van die duursame Rosehip olie saam die “Wonder-Werkende-Olie”  essentiële olies te gebruik. Van ons kliente het beter verligting gekry van die “Wonder-Werkende-Olie” met Rosehip ipv die gewone “Wonder-Werkende-Olie” weens die feit dat die olie dieper geabsorbeer word. Kyk gerus na die Gesondheids Voordele van Rosehip:



Our rosehip products include a list of active components which promote anti-aging and skin health, such as vitamin C (20 x more than oranges), lycopene (an effective anti-oxidant), vitamin A (a standard active ingredient in lots of skin care items), omega 9 (an important Fatty acid), beta-carotene (a strong anti-oxidant) and omega-6 (an important fat acid to decrease associated swelling and fine lines.Rosehip also has anti inflammatory properties which help with joint pain associated with arthritis.

With all these active components, rosehip offers a variety of indispensable advantages, to ones general health and well being, including your pets.

Prized since ancient times for its valuable healing benefits, rosehip oil is loaded with skin-nourishing vitamins and essential fatty acids. It also contains phenols that have been shown to have antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.

  • Rosehip hydrates.
  • Rosehip moisturizes. …
  • Rosehip helps exfoliate and helps brightens skin.
  • Rosehip helps boost collagen formation.
  • Rosehip helps reduce inflammation. Rosehip is rich in both polyphenols and anthocyanin, which may help reduce inflammationIt also contains vitamin E, an antioxidant known for its anti-inflammatory effects.With this in mind, rosehip oil may help calm irritation resulting from:
  • Rosehip helps protect against sun damage.
  • Rosehip helps reduce hyperpigmentation.
  • Rosehip helps reduce scars and fine line
  • It helps boost immunity

Possible side effects and risks

Rosehip oil is generally safe for all skin types, but allergic reaction is not uncommon. Before using rosehip oil for the first time, you should perform a patch test to make sure your skin can tolerate the oil.

See your doctor if you begin to experience:

  • red, itchy skin
  • itchy, watery eyes
  • scratchy throat
  • nausea
  • vomiting

Anaphylaxis is possible in severe cases of allergic reaction. Seek immediate emergency medical attention if you begin experiencing:

  • difficulty breathing
  • wheezing
  • swollen mouth, throat, or face
  • rapid heartbeat
  • stomach pain

Health benefits of Hemp oil

Hemp oil is harvested by cold-pressing hemp seeds.

Hempseed oil has an impressive nutrient profile. It is high in essential fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential amino acids and terpenes.

The top uses include for:

    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Its chlorophyll
    • Its essential amino acids
    • Scientific research finds hemp oil can weaken tumor aggressiveness as well as alleviate the unwanted side effects of conventional cancer therapies.
    • The small amount of cannabidiol (CBD) in hemp oil can provide anti-cancer benefits.
    • May Help Fight Against Breast Cancer
    • May Protect from Melanomas
    • May Reduce the Symptoms of Gliomas
    • May Help Fight Against Leukaemia
    • May Help Fight Against Lung Cancer – A 2012 study concluded CBD was able to reduce metastasis and invasiveness of human lung cancer cells implanted into mice. [24] CBD concentrations as small as 0.01 micromolar were sufficient to cause these anti-cancer effects.
    • May Reduce the Symptoms of Colon Cancer Hemp oil contains the antioxidant chemical: tocopherol. This compound protects from oxidative damage of DNA in colon cancer. [25] The amount of tocopherol in hemp oil is more than sufficient to generate anti-cancer activity.
    • May Prevent Cancer from Spreading in the Body – This makes hemp oil one of the most attractive herbal medicines for assisting in cancer therapy.
    • May Enhance the Benefits of Chemotherapy. CBD, omega-3 and omega-6 in hemp oil can Hand synergistically with chemotherapy to further enhance the effects of conventional drugs, like: Taxol, which is used extensively in breast cancer. [41] Hemp oil shows some indication of overcoming resistance to chemotherapy drugs in gliomas.
    • May Ease Side Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

Instructions for use :

Place a few drops where needed, and apply by massaging deep in effected area. Bring hands to nose and breath in. For efficient use, drip 5 drops along the spine and rub it in. Or 1-2 drops in the bellybutton and rub it in. If no relief is experience in a day, rub the oil on for 7 days, 3 times a day. For external use only!DO NOT USE DURING PREGNANCY Keep out of reach of children. Our product is not a substitute for your medication, consult Physician before using this product.



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The Muscle Spasm blend may help to relief Muscle Spasm in body and may help with pain relief.

Here is the ingredients and Health benefits of the oils in the Muscle Spasm  blend:

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